20 Questions UX designers should prep before a job interview
Trying to ace an upcoming job interview? Prepping for a UX designer interview starts with thinking about some of the questions you might get asked, and how you might answer.
Once you’ve gotten to the interview process, there’s a strong chance the company is impressed with your cover letter, resume and portfolio. A lot of what happens during the process of asking UX designer interview questions can help determine if you will be a good match.
Use this opportunity to figure out if you think you will fit there as well. A job interview goes both ways, you should like the company as much as they like you.
Types of Interview Questions
Interview questions often break down into a couple of groupings. You may hear different types of questions from different interviewers at the same company (if the business is large) or get asked everything from a small group.
These groups of interview questions include:
- Technical questions to get a feel for your level of knowledge and expertise
- Senior questions that get at your experience as a UX designer
- Common experience questions about you and your work
- Matching questions that help determine if you will mesh with the vibes at the company

Technical Interview Questions
1. Walk me through a project in your portfolio.
Make sure to focus on something you are proud of and that you can explain with ease. Always be ready to walk interviewers through at least one thing in your portfolio.
2. How do you know when a project is finished?
Follow the theme from the question above. Think about a successful project in your portfolio. How did you wrap it up? You can almost think about all the questions in this section as follow-ups to the same case study.
3. What are the differences between designing for desktop and mobile devices?
This question gets to the root of your technical design philosophy. There’s probably not a right and wrong answer, just a general understanding of different devices, platforms and usability issues that come with each.
4. What does your usual workflow look like on a project?
Be aware that this question can get long fast. Think about it in a couple of steps and keep the answer concise while providing a solid outline.
5. How do you validate or test the usability of a design?
This might be the most important question you answer. It can demonstrate your commitment to design and usability success and how you get there. (The wrong answer is to not know.)

Senior Interview Questions
1. Walk me through solving a problem for a UX client.
The company is looking to understand your ability to think creative and solve problems in an efficient manner. Take time to discuss a design-problem here, not a fight with a co-worker or unruly client.
2. What are your biggest challenges as a UX designer?
Everyone expects a strength versus weakness question in the interview process. Your answer will be more believable if you have a challenge. But don’t push your challenge on someone else, such as not having enough time because things get to you late. What are you working on? What do you want to learn? Tackle those things as challenges to overcome.
3. Is there a UX book, article or trend that you don’t agree with?
This question gets to the root of what you don on your own time and your ability to think independently. Don’t waffle here. There are things we all dislike. Pick one thing and speak about why you don’t like it, and what you would do instead. (That last part is important.)
4. Have you been in a position to provide feedback on other projects before? Walk me through it.
This question can be flipped to ask about how you received feedback as well. Your answer should get to the spirit of useful collaboration and teamwork.
5. Have you worked in a lean or agile process environment before?
For a yes, provide a brief explanation of when and how you functioned in that environment.

Common Interview Questions
1. How did you get into UX design?
This question provides an opportunity for you to tell your story. While you don’t need to go into too much detail, be honest as you highlight your career path this far. And if you have an unusual path to UX design, make sure to explain or talk about it.
2. What is your approach to UX design?
This is where you want to show the company you are on the same page. Learn as much as you can about the company and use key words and phrases from their collateral materials and website. Bonus points if you work in a manner similar to the company (if you can find this information).
3. What tools do you use?
Keep this one short. But if there’s a certain tool you love, talk about it.
4. Why are you interested in this company?
Flattery goes a long way here. But try not to lay it on too thick. Think about why you responded to a job ad in the first place and answer truthfully.
5. What makes you want to leave your current job?
This can be one of the trickiest questions out there. Avoid saying negative things about your current company or co-workers. It’s often “safe” to talk about new challenges and opportunities as a response to this UX designer interview question.

Matching Interview Questions
1. Explain UX design in 10 words.
Matching interview questions can be total curveballs. They can be straightforward or nonsensical, depending on the culture of the company. The whole idea behind this set of questions is to see if you will fit in with potential coworkers.
2. What are your favorite UX design trends right now?
It never hurts to pinpoint something the company is doing and relate it to a bigger trend. This also shows that you are on top of what’s happening in the industry.
3. What do you think will be the next big thing in UX design?
You can see how this goes to fit and company vision. Do your homework to ensure that your big vision matches that of the company, or at least includes a component of it.
4. What do you do when you are struggling to find inspiration?
Stick to something short here but be honest about your process. (That way if your boss sees you jamming out with headphones in the middle of a big project, they will know that it’s part of how you work.)
5. How do you help someone understand your perspective if they are not on the same page with the design?
Your answer will speak to how collaborative you are and if you can get along with others. Keep that in mind as you respond.
Bonus Advice
Remember to be honest, keep answers simple (back them up with real examples) and relate to the company where you are interviewing.
Good luck!